Redo (the Mullagen):

Yes, this is a different bench I am building. I ran into many “challenges” by using an old desk for the foundation, and removing that old desk made life much easier!

Some Issues I ran into:

  • Under layout access. Getting access to the wiring would have been difficult but installing turnout machines was impossible.
  • Moving it around to access the back and corner temporarily.
  • The shelf & shelf leg on the right was causing access and location problems.
  • Portability, there would have been no easy way to move it out of the room if needed.

In this build:

  • I jumped back to my rooks from 2000 and built a proper benchwork based on my past experiences.
  • I added adjustable “feet” to the L-Brace Legs.
  • I used 1×3 instead of 1×4 for weight and expense; it just looks nicer.
  • I used T-Nuts on the legs to unbolt them should I need to move this to a different location (it will now fit out the door without disabling the trackwork and scenery).
  • I used a “cookie-cutter” process for the three different levels of the track.
  • I changed from 2″ foam to 1/2″ foram, and now my switch machine rods will fit w/o any modifications.